When you hear phrase Poker Run, the image that goes with it is probably big cigar-boats, or snowmobiles – Poker seems to run on gasoline. But not always.
The Lake of Bays Association has a poker run that is designed to just glide by silently. Their Silent Boat Rally takes place every summer, and is limited to vessels that make no noise. That’s canoes. Kayaks. Paddle Boats. Sailboats. Row boats. Electric.
Not that canoes are always silent – this year there was a stiff breeze blowing, and the sound of grunting and heavy breathing could be heard. Likewise, occasionally you hear some loud noises coming from sailboats when the wind gusts and the sail luffs. It’s not the boat, you understand, but it’s loud all the same.
For the second year in a row we’ve hosted this event at Bondi Village Resort. We set them up on the beach by Brian’s hangar. This gives plenty of room to park cars, pull the boats up on shore. Let the kids run. Enjoy the bbq. And the headland blocks most of the wind that streams onshore from the island, keeping the flies away.
It’s a great day. For a $20 registration fee, participants come away with a gift bag from the sponsors, prizes for the poker hands, mystery gifts for the kids and a great lunch. All this, plus an hour or so on the lake. It doesn’t get any better.
Every year Graeme comes with his elegant Heather Belle. She was built in 1902, and has been retrofitted to an electric motor. This is the way lake travel should be, as she glides past noiseless and beautiful. People crowd down to the dock just to watch her come in to berth.
Mark came last year with a Dispro, a disappearing propeller boat. These were famous in Muskoka, designed for lakes that were cluttered up by the logging industry. Logs would escape from the booms, and drift about the lake, just below the surface, causing havoc to propellers.
The Dispro was designed for just such a contingency. Shaped like a classy rowboat, she has the engine located in the centre of the boat, and a special housing into which the prop can retract if it hits anything. This allowed the dippy to cruise in log-infested waters as well as through shallow reaches.
We have one – Brian has almost finished refinishing the original Bondi Dippy. Ours is the only one the Dispro association knows about that has a bullet hole in it. Since the top speed is 6 mph, we doubt it was part of a drive-by shooting. Perhaps someone with really bad aim, trying for a duck dinner? The mystery continues.
This year Mark came with a birchbark canoe. It was the envy of everyone there, despite the collection of cedar strip canoes that also showed up.
For those who don’t have, or don’t want to transport their own canoes, Algonquin Outfitters provides canoes on the beach, ready to go. They aren’t as elegant as the birchbark model, but all things considered, they are wonderful watercraft.
A demonstration from an electric catamaran rounded out the day
We provided a disc-golf target for the kids – and adults – and between whizzing Frisbees, kids playing in the lake, and an almost silent flotilla of ducks paddling past, you really couldn’t have asked for a better day out.